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Noam Zeilberger Lecture 1, OPLSS 2016
Noam Zeilberger Lecture 2, OPLSS 2016
Noam Zeilberger Lecture 3, OPLSS 2016
Noam Zeilberger Lecture 4, OPLSS 2016
Amal Ahmed Lecture 1, OPLSS 2016
Nate Foster Lecture 1, OPLSS 2016
Noam Zeilberger:"Parsing as a lifting problem and the Chomsky-Schützenberger representation theorem"
Substructural Type Theory - Zeilberger
Noam Zeilberger - Untyped Linear Lambda Calculus and the Combinatorics of 3-valent Graphs
Aleks Nanevski Lecture 2, OPLSS 2016
Hope for a Type-Theoretic Understanding of Zero-Knowledge - Noam Zeilberger
Noam Zeilberger, Skew monoidal categories and the proof-theoretic anatomy of associativity.